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nuclear physics 原子核物理學。

nuclear power

The isospin effect and k production in intermediate and high energy heavy ion collisions ( hics ) are hot topics in the nuclear physics . based on the isospin - dependent quantum molecular dyanmics ( iqmd ) model and self - consistent relativistic boltzmann - uehling - uhlenbeck ( rbuu ) model , we have studied them and obtained some interesting results . as for the study of isospin in intermediate energy hics , we ' ve investigated how both stength ( q ) and density dependence of symmetry potential ( sp ) affect many measurable observables , such as the yield , phase - space , and isospin distributions of fragments , as well as the correlations between intermediate - mass - fragment ( imf ) multiplicity n and charged - particle multiplicity n , , light - charged - particle ( lcp ) multiplicity n , and neutron multiplicity n , 在中能重離子碰撞的同位旋研究方面,分別研究了對稱勢的強度( c _ s )和其密度依賴形式對中能重離子核反應各類碎片產物產額、相空間、及其同位旋的分布,中等質量碎片多重數( n _ ( imf ) )與帶電粒子多重數( n _ c ) 、輕帶電粒子多重數( n _ k ) 、中子多重數( n _ n )的關聯等多種實驗觀測量的影響,以獲取對稱勢中該兩方面的信息,尤其著重于研究如何分別獲取有關該兩方面的信息的途徑。

The singular ordinary differential equations arise in the fields of gas dynamics , newtonian fluid mechanics , nuclear physics , the theory of boundary layer , nonlinear optics and so on . therefore , it has been considered extensively 而奇異微分方程是微分方程領域中一個重要的研究課題,由于它不斷出現在各種應用學科中,例如:核物理、氣體動力學、流體力學、邊界層理論、非線性光學等,所以得到了廣泛而深入的研究

Professor chen graduated from the department of physics of jilin university in china in 1954 . he pursued postgraduate research at peking university and the nuclear physics laboratory at oxford university as well as rutherford high energy laboratory in the united kingdom 陳教授早年畢業于中國吉林大學物理系,其后在北京大學任教,并負笈英國牛津大學原子核實驗室及盧瑟福實驗室從事科學研究。

Just because of the particle physics and nuclear physics study “ s characteristics , to study the particle physics and to design the engineering projects come into the necessities and possibility through the imitation proceeding of the computer program 這些特點為利用計算機程序模擬進行粒子物理研究和工程設計提供了必要性和可能性。這也是為什么粒子物理研究自始至終如此依賴計算機的緣由。

The advancements and achieves in nuclear physics enormously improve the developments of medicine and its correlation disciplines , provide the brand - new theory , the modern diagnoses , the treat methods and instruments for the medical research and practice 摘要原子核物理的不斷發展和完善極大地促進了醫學及其相關學科的發展,為醫學研究與實踐提供了全新的思想理論和現代化的診療手段與設備。

The singular ordinary differential equations first arise in the fields of gas dynamics , newtonian fluid mechanics , nuclear physics , the theory of boundary layer , nonlinear optics and so on . it is also one of important areas in the study 具有奇性的常微分方程問題,最早是在研究核物理、氣體動力學、流體力學、邊界層理論及非線性光學問題中提出的,是微分方程研究中一個十分重要的領域。

In 1985 , conseil europeen pour la recherche nucleaire ( cern ) succeeded to collide heavy ions in super proton synchrotron ( sps ) for the first time , which extended the research field of nuclear physics to a new energy region 數據來自于cern sps emu01 ( emu12 )國際合作組。 1985年,歐洲核子研究中心( cern )的超級質子同步加速器( sps )首次進行重離子運行,開辟了核物理研究的一個新能區。

Specific interests are in the areas of particle physics and cosmology , experimental high - energy physics , nuclear physics , condensed - matter and surface physics , statistical and computational physics , biophysics , as well as fluid and nonlinear physics 涵蓋的領域有粒子物理與宇宙學,實驗高能物理,原子核物理,凝態與表面物理,統計與計算物理,生物物理,及流體與非線性物理等。

It is the underlying mathematical framework of many fields of physics and chemistry , including condensed matter physics , atomic physics , molecular physics , computational chemistry , quantum chemistry , particle physics , and nuclear physics 它是許多物理學和化學領域的根本數學框架,包括濃縮物質物理學、原子物理學、分子物理學、計算化學、量子化學、粒子物理學和核子物理學。

The nuclear data acquisition and control system are the important tools in both basic and applied researches , such as high energy physics , nuclear physics , atom - molecule physics , nuclear astronomy physics and application of nuclear technology 核數據獲取和控制系統是高能物理、核物理、原子分子物理、核天體物理、和核技術應用等基礎和應用研究中必不少的重要實驗工具。

It is known that the meson is the lightest hadron and hence plays a significant role in the phenomenology of low - to - intermediate - energy nuclear physics as mediator of the long - range part of hadron - hadron interactions 眾所周知,介子這種最輕的強子作為強子-強子相互作用的長程部分的中介,在低中能核物理的研究中扮演了一個很重要的角色。

A total of 172 joint research projects are operating in a wide range of subjects including biotechnology and microbiology , nuclear physics and high energy physics , oil chemistry , telecommunications and seismology 今年,索拉利斯發布了一系列新產品,其中包括13米長的索拉利斯vacanza 13豪華大客車,新一代urbino iii低地板大客車等。

Halo nuclei have been the hot point in the studies of nuclear physics since the discovery of the neutron halo ( or neutron skin ) in the light nuclei , such as “ li , near the neutron drip line in the middle of 1980 ' s 自80年代中期~ ( 11 ) li等中子滴線附近輕核的中子暈(或中子皮)被發現以來,暈核一直是核物理研究的一個熱點。

In many places a computer does the work of a million persons , and so it is widely used in any branch of science and technology - nuclear physics , electrical engineering , mechanical engineering , and the like 在很多地方,計算機能做數百萬人的工作,因此它被廣泛地應用在各個科技領域? ?核物理、電氣工程、機械工程等等。

He was known as the “ father “ of nuclear physics , pioneered the orbital theory of the atom , notably in his discovery of rutherford scattering off the nucleus with the gold foil experiment 他被稱為“核物理學之父” ,是原子軌函數說的先驅,最聞名的成就是利用金箔實驗撥開與分離出了核子。

He was known as the “ father “ of nuclear physics , pioneered the orbital theory of the atom , notably in his discovery of rutherford scattering off the nucleus with the gold foil experiment 他被稱為“核物理學之父” ,是原子軌函數說的先驅,最著名的成就是利用金箔試驗分離出了核子。

The application work which has been clone and can he done in the nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics using accelerator mass spectrometry is reviewed 摘要介紹了利用加速器質譜技術在核物理與核天體物理中的應用研究工作。

Danish nobel prize laureate bohr ' s “ copenhagen school “ also attracted the best brains in nuclear physics from all over europe 丹麥籍諾貝爾獲獎人波爾所成立的“哥本哈根學派” ,也吸納了歐洲各國在核物理領域最優秀的人才等等。

Institute of low energy nuclear physics , beijing normal university , beijing radiation center longkou bite vacuum technology co . , ltd 北京師范大學低能核物理研究所,北京市輻射中心山東口市比特真空技術有限公司